Sunday, 09 June 2024 15:05

Tourist arrivals exceed 900,000 fuelling optimism of meetung year-end targets. Featured

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Sri Lanka Tourism surpassed the milestone of 900,000 tourist arrivals, fuelling optimism within the industry to meet year-end targets.

The accomplishment marks a striking growth, a milestone previously reached only in August of the preceding year.

This landmark was achieved with the arrival of 3,374 tourists on 1 June, which pushed the cumulative figure to 900,153. It underscores the substantial progress made in the tourism sector, reflecting high interest and engagement with Sri Lanka as a favoured destination for travellers.

During the first five days of June alone, Sri Lanka welcomed 15,666 tourists, pushing the year-to-date (YTD) figure to 912,445 visitors.

For 2024, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) forecasts 2.3 million arrivals and an income of $ 4 billion

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