International News

The French parliament has passed legislation toughening France's immigration policy after months of political wrangling.

Last-minute negotiations have delayed a UN vote on a draft resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Major flooding in northern Australia has begun to ease but many towns remain isolated in crocodile-infested waters as supplies dwindle.

A US senator has said he is angry after an aide reportedly appeared in a sex tape recorded in a Senate hearing room.

The funeral has been held of an Al Jazeera cameraman who was killed by an Israeli drone strike on Gaza.

The world's largest shipping group, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), has announced it is diverting its ships away from the Red Sea because of an increased threat of attacks.

Former South African president Jacob Zuma says he will not vote for the African National Congress (ANC) and is creating a new political party.

More than 60 migrants are believed to have drowned in a shipwreck off the coast of Libya, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said.

Hong Kong police have offered rewards of HK$1m (£100,400; $128,000) for information leading to the arrests of five pro-democracy activists.

Russian energy giant Gazprom earned €45m (£39m) from its gas field in the North Sea last year, accounts show.

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