Saturday, 26 August 2023 09:55

Sea water purification project to commence in Jaffna Featured

The National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB) of Sri Lanka is set to launch a project that purifies seawater for the daily use of people in the Jaffna district.

The plant will provide safe drinking water to 300,000 people belonging to 60,000 families of the city of Jaffna and its surrounding urban and rural areas.

NWSDB adds that initial work of the project has begun, and will be completed early next year.

A cabinet paper has also been submitted for the calling for tenders related to pipelines for the project.

As soon as it is approved, tenders will be called to design, build and operate the first-ever desalination plant through sea water reverse osmosis in Jaffn

With a capacity of 24,000 m3, the facility, partly financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), will be designed-built over a period of two and half years,


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