Wednesday, 23 August 2023 10:28

‘No-objection’ letters not required for vehicle insurance claims: IRCSL Featured

Insurance Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (IRCSL) yesterday said it had informed insurance companies not to ask for ‘No-objection’ letters from financiers to pay insurance claims on vehicles that are under hire purchase or lease agreements.

“Motor Insurance Policies specify that partial loss claims to motor vehicles under hire purchase/lease agreements be paid to policyholders.

We have been informed of instances where policyholders were insisted upon to furnish No-Objection Letters from their financiers to obtain insurance claims.

Accordingly, the Insurance Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka has informed insurance companies issuing motor insurance policies, not to ask such policyholders to submit ‘No-Objection’ letters from financiers of vehicles, to pay insurance claims,” IRCSL said in a brief note.



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