Friday, 18 August 2023 14:23

BOC posts Rs. 10.5 billion of Profit Before Tax (PBT) in first half 2023  Featured

The Bank of Ceylon (BOC) has reported Rs. 10.5 billion of Profit Before Tax (PBT) for the six-month period ended 30 June 2023 amidst the unprecedented challenges continued to prevail from previous year.

The interest income of the Bank grew by 32% to Rs. 259.7 billion primarily due to the increase in AWPLR compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. However, interest expenses grew by 98% as the deposit mix has been re-priced at higher rates, resulting in high cost of funding and led to 65% decline in net interest income compared to H1-2022.

Net fee and commission income amounted to Rs. 8.7 billion with 11% growth mainly backed by increase in commission income from card related transactions and travel and remittance related services. Income from trading and investment activities and other operating income resulted in a negative note due to exchange loss reported during H1-2023 in line with the 15% rupee appreciation.

Operating expenses for the period reported an increase of 12% in the backdrop of cost escalation due to inflation. Accordingly, the Bank has reported the PBT of Rs. 10.5 billion with 52% decline over H1-2022. At the end of H1-2023, the Bank’s asset base recorded a negative growth of 7% reflecting the impact of rupee appreciation. Amidst the high competition prevailed in the market, the Bank’s deposit base stood at Rs. 3.4 trillion as of end June 2023


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