Saturday, 05 August 2023 09:33

Sri Lanka to revitalise the export agricultural sector Featured

Plantation Industries Minister, Dr. Ramesh Pathirana unveiled a comprehensive plan to revitalise the export agricultural sector with an income of $ 2.8 billion from tea, rubber, coconut, and cinnamon in 2023.

He revealed that the country aims to export 290 million kilograms of tea, whilst earning an income of $ 1.2 billion within the current year.

It is also anticipating generating $ 900 million from rubber and rubber-related exports and $ 700 million from coconut and coconut-related exports.

The steep surge in the price of urea fertilizer which skyrocketed to Rs. 30,000 for a 50 kg bag now reduced to Rs. 9,000 thanks to the initiatives introduced by the Government,” he said.

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