Friday, 24 May 2024 15:03

95% candidates pass 2023 Korean exam Featured

A total of 95 percent of the candidates have passed the 2023 Korean Language Proficiency examination, the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employement (SLBFE) said.

The examination results of the production and fishing sectors were released, and 3,422 applicants have passed.

A group of 3,580 applicants had sat for this examination and the number of candidates who passed was 95.6 percent of the total number of candidates, the bureau said.

They said the results of this examination will be published on the website on May 27 and the medical examination for the candidates who have passed the examination will begin on May 28.

The relevant interviews for the applicants who have passed the examination will be conducted on June 06, 07 and 10 at the bureau's provincial offices, immigration resource centers and training centers.



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