Wednesday, 06 March 2024 09:11

Sri Lanka’s export earnings decline marginaly in January 2024 Featured

The merchandise export performance in January 2024 amounted to US$ 970.7 million, recorded a 0.77 % decline compared to January 2023.

Compared to January 2023, agricultural exports shown a modest increase of 3.58%, reaching US$ 225.43 million in January 2024.

However, industrial exports experienced a decline of 2.08% during the same period, dropping to US$ 744.77 million.

Export earnings from tea which made up 12% of merchandise exports, increased by 2.63 % y-o-y to US$ 102.18 Mn in January 2024 compared to January 2023.

Moreover, Export earnings from Rubber and Rubber Finished products have increased by 7.68 % y-o-y to US$ 81.72 Mn in January 2024,

On monthly analysis, export earnings of Coconut based products increased by 16.74 % in January 2024 compared to January 2023.


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