Tuesday, 16 January 2024 09:31

EPF embarks on diversification to boost returns Featured

The Central Bank outlined yesterday that the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) is set to explore methods for diversifying its investment portfolio.

The objective is to generate a higher risk-adjusted rate of return while ensuring the overall safety of the overall fund.

“As Sri Lanka’s largest superannuation fund, with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka as its custodian, the EPF showcased resilient financial performance throughout 2023, navigating challenges such as economic uncertainties and the impact of the DDO operation,” the Central Bank Governor Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe said

The fund effectively carried out the provision and facilitation of refund payments, member-related services and various other services despite the obstacles.

Looking ahead, the EPF focuses on improving operational efficiency to deliver efficient and effective services to its stakeholders.



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