Saturday, 21 October 2023 10:21

Food prices Year-on-year increase at 2 percent Featured

The retail price of commonly consumed food items recorded a year-on-year increase of roughly 2% between September 2022 and September 2023 and a month-on-month fall of 1.6% in between August and September 2023,a research report rvealed.

According to the survey, the items that contributed the most to prices falling between survey August 2023 and September 2023 were tomatoes (12%), pumpkin (10%) and brinjals (8%).

Alternatively the prices of green chillies (7%) and beans (4%) increased during this period.

It tracks the weekly retail prices in the Colombo market of the most commonly consumed food ingredients and the prices are collected from the “Weekly Indicators” that the Central Bank publishes.

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