Monday, 25 September 2023 10:34

IMF to offer wavers for nonfulfilled commitments of the reform program Featured

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) team now in Sri Lanka is nearing completion of its preliminary review on the fund-supported economic reform program with some reservations relating to quantitative performance, informed official sources divulged

The team has reached consensus in overall achievements of the government pledges so far during their discussions with Sri Lankan fiscal and monetary authorities, a high ranking Finance Ministry official said. .

The final discussion of the review will be held on September 26 under the patronage of President Ranil Wickremesinghe and the IMF team is to offer some wavers relating commitments that are still to be implemented.

‘The authorities’ failure and delays in the fulfillment of some of their commitments have not been taken into account by the IMF team as such matters occur due to circumstances outside the control of government’, he said

The IMF mission has already completed the quantitative performance assessment of the economic reforms program's macroeconomic variables under the control of country authorities such as monetary and credit aggregates, international reserves, fiscal balances, and external borrowing


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