Saturday, 16 September 2023 09:32

Sri Lanka fulfills 38 of the 57 IMF commitments by August Featured

Sri Lanka fulfills 38 of the 57 IMF commitments due for August in its 17th programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
The progress on 11 commitments remains “unknown”, while eight are now classified as “not met”.

An IMF team is now in Sri Lanka this week to review the progress on the programme which kicked off in March 2023 and approve the second disbursement – which is now expected to be delayed till at least the end of October.

The IMF review is likely to focus on commitments that were due by the end of June. Even with that large latitude, Sri Lanka is falling short on an important governance-linked commitment. That is, the establishment of an online fiscal transparency platform. This was due by end-March but is yet to be delivered


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