Monday, 04 September 2023 09:50

Digital Nomad Visa to boost tourism industry Featured

In a proactive move to bolster the tourism sector and attract a new wave of remote workers, the Cabinet of Ministers has given its seal of approval to a range of visa programs, including a novel offering known as the “Digital Nomad Visa” (DNV).

Under the Digital Nomad Visa program, applicants are required to demonstrate a minimum monthly income of $ 2,000, which must be channelled through the Sri Lankan banking system. This visa is renewable annually, subject to certification of the requisite funds.

The application fee for the DNV is set at $ 500, and it encompasses the visa holder's spouse and dependents.

This initiative comes in response to a noticeable shift in people's attitudes towards online business and the newfound ability to work remotely, anywhere with an internet connection.

Several factors have driven this change, including technological advancements, the flexibility of work-life balance, global connectivity, and evolving work cultures.


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