Sunday, 03 September 2023 12:05

Power Sector Reforms Secretariat functions with JICA funding Featured

Sri Lanka’s Power Sector Reforms Secretariat (PSRS) is now functioning at the Power and Energy Ministry to kick-start the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) restructuring process next month.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has extended a financial grant to maintain the Secretariat and implement institutional reforms with required technical and financial support.

All CEB institutions will be unbundled instead of running all the related entities under one institution in accordance with these structural reforms.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank (WB), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) were the other international agencies that stepped in to support the CEB restructuring process.

Foreign and domestic experts in energy, finance and legal fields will be enrolled to expedite the implementation of the restructuring plan and the international agencies have agreed to bear the cost of their salaries and other expenses.

It will also support the Secretariat in human resource management during the restructuring process; establishing and adapting public-private business models; Implementation of generation plans regarding the operation

Dr. Pradeep Perera, an electrical engineer by profession and a former Energy Specialist at the ADB, has already been appointed by JICA as its consultant to assist the PSRS. He is the head of the Secretariat.



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