Friday, 01 September 2023 10:17

SL central bank records over Rs500bn in profits up to June 2023 Featured

Sri Lanka’s central bank has made profits of around half a trillion rupees, helped by foreign exchange gains on a negative net open position as well as profits on domestic assets in the six months to June, an analysis of official data showed.

The central bank’s equity, which is roughly a measure of profits, grew by 575 billion rupees from December 2022 to June 2023.

The profit measured in the profit and loss account may differ due to adjustments to other comprehensive income or other items, including profit transfers.

The central bank’s net foreign assets which were negative fell from 1.6 trillion rupees in December 2022 to 963 billion rupees in June based on monetary survey data.

Sri Lanka’s central bank in the course of cutting rates in 2020-2021 borrowed dollars from the Reserve Bank India, Bangladesh Bank and the International Monetary Fund (it already had a negative position on an IMF loan) to target an output gap.


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