Development and Economic News

Sri Lanka saw a notable increase in workers’ remittances and a boost in tourist arrivals in February 2024, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) says.

Sri Lanka’s Posts Department said it is hoping to record a revenue of Rs.21 billion for 2024 and operate as a self-sustaining institution that is independent of Treasury funds.

Sri Lanka’s Posts Department said it is hoping to record a revenue of Rs.21 billion for 2024 and operate as a self-sustaining institution that is independent of Treasury funds.

The low level of teacher capacity along with reduced affordability of hardware remains major barriers towards successfully implementing ed-tech in Sri Lanka, a recent Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) study revealed.

Discontent was voiced at Tuesday's Party Leaders' meeting in Parliament over the unilateral decision to raise the salaries of employees at the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

The Treasury will absorb $ 512 million of debt owed by SriLankan Airlines, in a bid to make the national carrier more attractive to prospective investors.

The merchandise export performance in January 2024 amounted to US$ 970.7 million, recorded a 0.77 % decline compared to January 2023.

Prospective bidders for the losses and debt-saddled SriLankan Airlines will have more time with the Government extending the deadline for Request for Qualification (RfQ) for the to 9 January next year fifth time for 45 days commencing from Tuesday 05.

Sri Lanka’s State owned Enterprises (SOE’s) including the Central Bank and state banks are to be brought under a legal framework for appointments, management, procurement and capital spending with the enactment of SOE Act in parliament soon, Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe divulged.

In a media release, the bank said its PBT was driven by a significant 15 per cent increase in interest income. However, despite this growth, a sharp rise in interest expenses resulted due to the lag effect in repricing the time deposits mobilised at higher rates.

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