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Crescat Boulevard, L 13, Colombo 03
Kandy City Center Shop, L1-8, Kandy
Ceylon Biscuits Ltd, P O Box 3, High level Road, Makumbura, Pannipitiya
496/1, R A De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 03
67A, Gregory's Road, Colombo 07
193, 2nd Cross Street, Colombo 11
Kandy City Center, No L1-8, Kandy
223, Bloemendhal Road, Colombo 13
38/1, Thurstan Road, Colombo 03
58 A, Horton Place, Colombo 07
67A, Gregorys Road, Colombo 07
417, Union Place, Colombo 02
49/1, Sudharsana Mawatha, Nawala Road, Rajagiriya
58/28, Mrs Ramani Gunawardana, B M Colabage Mawatha, Colombo 05
P O Box 3, High level Road, Makumbura, Pannipitiya