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Driving Novelty

We fuel the Industries for Innovative Excellence by Natural Rubber solutions.

ASR natural rubber products

ASR Natural Rubber raw material products are innovative, long lasting, and dynamic.

Our products are quality-assured and come in different forms to suit individual requirements of Natural Rubber.

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Rubber using industries

Our premium Natural Rubber grades are used across multiple industries, fuelling innovative excellence.

Our Natural Rubber solutions are tailor-made to suit the most demanding industries across the globe.

Explore Industries

  • Diurumpitiya factory
  • yatidariya factory
  • biyagama factory
  • Diurumpitiya factory
  • yatidariya factory
  • Diurumpitiya Rubber Factory

    Diurumpitiya Rubber Factory is located 51Km away from Colombo, and was acquired by ASR in 2014. The facility has been in operation since 1977 under the previous ownerships of Statcon Rubber Company & Le-fern Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd respectively. Mass production of Technically Specified Natural Rubber (TSNR), Specialty grades & conventional grades of Natural Rubber employing efficient modern production process take place at the factory.

  • Yatideriya Rubber Factory

    Yatideriya Rubber Factory is our main manufacturing plant located in the town of Undugoda, 100km North east of Colombo. The factory sits in the Kegalle district which has the highest concentration of rubber farmers. The factory was first established in 1909 by a Scottish National. ASR acquired the factory from the Government of Sri Lanka in year 1986 . The manufacturing unit is currently manned by over 200 of trained workers who process Field Latex supply of over 1,200 of farmers by employing state-of-the-art technology. We manufacture Tailor-made grades of Specialty Natural Rubber and Technically Specified Natural Rubber (TSNR) in this facility.

  • Prestige Rubbers Biyagama

    Prestige Rubbers (Pvt) Ltd was incorporated in 2007 as a BOI Sri Lanka approved project. It is located in the export processing area of Biyagama, 19 kilometres away from Colombo. We manufacture Technically Specified Natural Rubber (TSNR) in this facility for direct & indirect export facilitating just in time deliveries to Factories in the Free Trade Zone. This is the central hub of the group, where all shipping and sourcing of materials are carried out in addition to its own manufacturing process.

  • Diurumpitiya Rubber Factory

    Diurumpitiya Rubber Factory is located 51Km away from Colombo, and was acquired by ASR in 2014. The facility has been in operation since 1977 under the previous ownerships of Statcon Rubber Company & Le-fern Laboratories (Pvt) Ltd respectively. Mass production of Technically Specified Natural Rubber (TSNR), Specialty grades & conventional grades of Natural Rubber employing efficient modern production process take place at the factory.

  • Yatideriya Rubber Factory

    Yatideriya Rubber Factory is our main manufacturing plant located in the town of Undugoda, 100km North east of Colombo. The factory sits in the Kegalle district which has the highest concentration of rubber farmers. The factory was first established in 1909 by a Scottish National. ASR acquired the factory from the Government of Sri Lanka in year 1986 . The manufacturing unit is currently manned by over 200 of trained workers who process Field Latex supply of over 1,200 of farmers by employing state-of-the-art technology. We manufacture Tailor-made grades of Specialty Natural Rubber and Technically Specified Natural Rubber (TSNR) in this facility.

our advantage

We offer excellence and quality through innovative solutions.

ASR is committed to offering Natural Rubber solutions for diverse industries. Our excellence over the last decades is attributed to our efforts in introducing new products and enhancing quality of our solutions.

Excellence in quality through innovative solutions

Our Natural Rubber materials undergo quality-tests to ascertain that customers receive the best grades.

Tailor-made Natural Rubber

We offer specific solutions for every Natural Rubber application, and strive to explore new types to cater diverse industries.

Manufacturing units situated in strategic locations

Yatideriya Rubber Factory - is nestled in the heart of Rubber growing area, Kegalle.
Diurumpitiya Rubber Factory - is strategically located to facilitate our R & D and process centralized distribution.
Prestige Rubbers - is situated close to our main BOI customers and Port.

ASR laboratory


ASR’s laboratory facilities are well equipped with advanced technology and a committed group of well qualified, experienced analysts and researchers. The facilities are established in line with our mandate to provide high-quality Natural Rubber solutions. R&D allows us to improve the existing product portfolio and introduce new portfolio of industries by exploring diverse rubber applications.

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Colombo, Sri Lanka


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Please feel free to contact us by simply filling out the form, or reaching us on our hot line. Thank you for your valuable time contributing towards sustainable growth of the Planet through our Organization.

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