Establishment of the De Soysa Lying-in-Home (the LIH) was on December 13th, 1879. The hospital owes its beginning by Sir Charles Henry de Soysa, a businessman from Moratuwa. Since then it has played the lead role in providing for all aspects of healthcare for women and in the training of staff in all grades for this field of work. The De Soysa Lying-in-Home is the second oldest maternity home in Asia.Today it provides care for over 14,000 maternity cases annually, most of which are of a high-risk nature.Intensive Care Units for the mothers and that for the new born babies has provided major improvement in the care of high risk and life threatening situations. DSHW was declared a "Baby Friendly Hospital" by the UNICEF and the Government of Sri Lanka in 1992 and received the "Taiki Akimoto 5S Award" in 2003 for the bet implementation of "5S" in the service sector.
De Soysa Hospital for WomenColombo 8, Sri LankaTel : 2696224Fax : 2694972