Average tuition cost: $9,235 per semester ?
Pecent of international students: 59%?
Top majors: education, dentistry, social sciences?
QS university ranking: 21st This university, also called
http://aal.hku.hk/studyabroad/index.php?type=incoming" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Hong Kong University or HKU, uses English as its main language of instruction. More than 40 countries are represented just from HKU’s professors alone. Classes are offered in nearly any discipline you can think of -- arts and humanities, business and economics, education, engineering, law, science, and social sciences -- and the university has partnerships with scores of universities around the world. HKU is regularly ranked among the top universities in Asia. If you’re feeling at all nervous about studying abroad, HKU offers an Exchange Buddy Program which will match you with a local student. You’ll be able to talk with your buddy before your arrival in Hong Kong, and then they will meet you at the airport, help you settle in, and offer support throughout your time abroad.